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Philosophy and Inclusive Design

presented at a university philosophy colloquium in August 2021

recording and transcript

Listen to the audio recording or read the transcript.


Download the presentation slides in .pdf or .pptx format or view as images.

questions and answers

View my responses to audience questions and feedback when I've had time to think about them.

Presentation: Work

errors and omissions

I apologise for the errors made in the recording and slides of this presentation. I have left the slides and recording "as is" (with the exceptions explained below), however would like to point out some corrections:

  1. In the slides and the recording I mentioned the "Fibonacci sequence" of numbers. I was reminded by an audience member that Fibonacci did not invent that sequence. We have ancient Sanskrit records that describe and apply this sequence centuries before Leonardo of Pisa. Unfortunately we don't have a better name for "a series of numbers in which each number is the sum of the two preceding numbers" that is commonly recognised as such.

  2. I mentioned in the presentation that I was required to create a written piece of public philosophy and giving the presentation "didn't count". This was not a criticism of my lecturer, who I respect and appreciate as a teacher and a philosopher. It was merely an observation that struck me as ironic.


I have edited the recording and the slides of my presentation to remove personally identifying information and third-party graphics. You can view the original TikTok video and other images using the links provided.

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